‘Slick Flux’ 2021, Shown at 17m2, Et hall as part of the Art Nou festival

‘Bloom’ 2019, Part of the Jafre Bienal - Made in Collaboration with Joe Highton and Victor Ruiz-Colomer.  Throughout the duration of the Bienal, customised rockets were shot over Jafre, showering seeds over the town in the hope of instigating a bloom of summer flowers.

‘Tender Relics’ 2021, Stills from a perfomance made in collaboration with Guillem Barbosa. A pair of trousers, relics from a previous undocumented performance are housed in specially built terrarium, to be paraded around the city. 

‘Seacastle’ 2021 
Ceramics were embedded in the tidal zone left to shaped by the ecology, to be extracted at a later date.